V11.102 (web update) Windows
V1.102 (web update) AmigaOS 3.x / 4.x
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: February 6, 2025
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size Windows: 2.939.190 bytes
File size AmigaOS 3.x/4.x 2.312.031 bytes
Supported file formats: 904
New modules:
Heroes of Annihilated Empires *.C2M Load
Loksim3D *.L3DOBJ Load
OpenBVE *.B3D Load
Screamer 4x4 *.SPL Load
V11.10 Windows
V1.10 AmigaOS 3.x / 4.x
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: January 12, 2025
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size Windows: 2.939.190 bytes
File size AmigaOS 3.x/4.x 2.312.031 bytes
Updates Windows: 11.101-11.102
Updates AmigaOS 3.x/4.x: 1.101-11.102
Supported file formats: 900
New modules:
3-Demon *.3DEMON Load
3-Demon *.OBJECT Load
Antiryad Gx 3d game engine *.AXA Load
Astromenace *.VW3D Load
Asura Engine (Battlezone Gold Edition;
Evil Genius 2: World Domination;
Zombie Army 4: Dead Wars) * Load
Face3d (Warp3D demo) *.3DED Load
FBI Hostage Rescue *.FXM Load
Fracscape *.DEM Load
Gossett Graphics *.GOSSETT Load / Save
Lugaru *.SOLID Load
Oldskool Demomaker (OSDM) ASCII *.VOBJ Load / Save
TrueVision3D Engine
(Populous: Tribal Conquest) *.TVM Load
Vertex Binary *.3D Load
VideoScape 3D Binary *.GEO Load
Improved modules:
RayLab *.RL Load
Vertex ASCII *.ASC Load
VideoScape 3D ASCII *.GEO Load
New feature:
Face3d (Warp3D demo) *.TEX texture format
New feature (AmigaOS):
Drag and Drop support (to load object)
V11.0 Windows
V1.0 AmigaOS 3.x / 4.x
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: September 12, 2024
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size Windows: 2.914.358 bytes
File size AmigaOS 3.x/4.x:2.279.597 bytes
Updates Windows: 11.001-11.005
Updates AmigaOS 3.x/4.x: 1.001-1.005
Supported file formats: 885
New modules:
Apron of Magic *.BIN Load
EyeToy: Play *.ETC Load
Fiction Factory game engine
(Candy Crush Saga) *.FFM Load
Muhon (Wuhun) *.NXD Load
Power Rangers Super Samurai *.NDXR/NTXR Load
RenderDoc *.CSV Load
Screamer 4x4 (verticle.dat,mapcoord.dat,
faces.dat,textures.dat) *.DAT Load
Screamer 4x4 *.HEIGHT/TXT Load
Sgt. Frog (Keroro Gunso) *.VM Load
Uta no Prince-sama LIVE EMOTION *.PREFAB Load
Improved modules:
3D Systems *.SLC Load
E2 game engine
(Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019) *.TRAINZMESH Load
Idea Spectrum Model
(Realtime Landscaping Plus, Pro) *.ISM Load
Peak3D *.ASC Load
QuickSlice *.SLC Load
New features:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer *.MTX texture format
Screamer 4x4 *.32A texture format
Screamer 4x4 *.MAP texture format
Screamer 4x4 *.RGB texture format
Configuration/Import Extract_The_DDS_Files_From_The_Apron_Of_Magic_BIN_Files_After_Load (default=true)
Other change:
Improved Command line conversion
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: December 12, 2023
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.897.275 bytes
Updates: 10.601-10.607
Supported file formats: 875
New modules:
Dragon Star Varnir *.GXRESCOLLISIONMESH Load
Dragon Star Varnir *.GXRESMODEL Load
Dragon Star Varnir *.GXRESMODELEXT Load
Mortar Engine (Fruit Ninja) *.BINMODEL Load
Mortar Engine (Fruit Ninja) *.MMD Load
Nihilistic Object Description v10
(StarCraft: Ghost) *.NOD/3DMATERIALS.NSA Load
Starshine Legacy *.PME Load
Little Britain: The Video Game *.GEO Load
Improved modules:
cal3D Binary Mesh (IMVU) *.XMF Load
E2 game engine
(Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019) *.TRAINZMESH Load
Star Stable Online *.PME Load
Star Stable Online *.PTE Load
New feature:
Configuration/Import Save_The_E2_Game_Engine_Attachment_And_Bone_Info_After_Load (default=false)
Other change:
Nihilistic Object Description
(Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption) .NOD Renamed to: Nihilistic Object Description v7 (Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption) .NOD
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: June 12, 2023
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.877.526 bytes
Updates: 10.401-10.405
Supported file formats: 867
New modules:
Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception *.PMD Load
Dragonborn Knight *.MESH Load
Dragonborn Knight *.SKIN/SKEL Load
GP 500 *.DK4 Load
Nocturne Engine ASCII *.KFM Load
Prism3D Engine
(American Truck Simulator: Wyoming,
Euro Truck Simulator) *.PMG/PMD/MAT/TOBJ Load
Nihilistic Object Description
(Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption) *.NOD Load
Psychonauts *.PLB Load
Sins of a Solar Empire 2 *.MESH/.MESH_MATERIAL Load
Sword and Romance *.BMESH Load
Table Top Racing *.AMODEL Load
Targem Engine (Crossout) *.MDL/MDF Load
Terminal Reality TRI Tools *.S3D Load
Warhammer 40000:
Gladius - Relics of War *.MSH Load
Improved modules:
Auran Jet *.IM/PM Load
Black Desert *.PAM Load
Tianji Online *.MDX2 Load
Batch converter
New features:
Configuration/Import Extract_The_PNG_Files_From_The_Tianji_Online_MDX2_File_After_Load (default=true)
Configuration/Import Extract_The_PKM_Files_From_The_Table_Top_Racing_AMODEL_File_After_Load (default=true)
Dragon Star Varnir *.GXRESTEXTURE texture format
Psychonauts *.DDS texture format
Ridge Racer Unbounded *.BMAP texture format
Texture converters (Tools/Texture converters...) Aika Online (.jit) to DirectDraw Surface (.dds) (DXT1,DXT3,DXT5) converter
Texture converters (Tools/Texture converters...) DirectDraw Surface (.dds) (DXT1,DXT3,DXT5) to Aika Online (.jit) converter
Texture converters (Tools/Texture converters...) Ridge Racer Unbounded (.bmap) to DirectDraw Surface (.dds) converter
Other changes:
Insane vehicles .FFF Renamed to Insane .FFF
Configuration/Import Extract_The_PNG_File_From_The_CM3D2_Tex_File_After_Load Renamed to Extract_The_PNG_File_From_The_CM3D2_TEX_File
Configuration/Import Extract_The_Textures_From_The_Tsunami_2265_File_After_Load Renamed to Extract_The_Textures_From_The_Tsunami_2265_MEF_File_After_Load
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: December 12, 2022
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.830.316 bytes
Updates: 10.001-10.011
Supported file formats: 853
New modules:
25 to Life *.DBL Load
3D Sprint Compressed STL *.CTL Load
Aterdux Engine 9 (Legends of Eisenwald) *.D3D Load
Banuba Face AR *.BSM2/CFG.TOML Load
Hellgate London *.AM Load
Maestro 3D Dental Studio *.AM;EM;BM;BMK; Load
Maestro 3D Dental Studio *.M Load / Save
MT Framework (Monster Hunter Stories) *.MOD/MRL Load
My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero *.AXMD Load
Perfect World *.SKI/BON Load
The King of Fighters: World *.SKIN/SKEL Load
Improved modules:
Black Desert *.PAC/PAB Load
Black Desert *.PAM Load
E2 game engine
(Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019) *.TRAINZMESH/
MU Archangel *.37 Load
Path of Exile *.SMD/SM/MAT Load
Wavefront *.OBJ/MTL Load
New features:
Laghaim *.NTX texture format
Texture converters (Tools/Texture converters...) Microsoft Windows Bitmap (.bmp) to Laghaim (.wxy) converter
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: May 12, 2022
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.803.743 bytes
Updates: 9.001-9.012
Supported file formats: 843
New modules:
Beetle Crazy Cup
(Beetle Buggin'; Käfer Total) *.INF/VER/TRI Load
Bus Derby *.COLL Load
Bus Derby *.OBJ Load
BZFlag ASCII *.BZW Load / Save
Cabela's Outdoor Adventures 2006 *.SKIN Load
Chuanshuo *.MESH Load
Facet *.FAC Load / Save
Final Exam *.GEO Load
FlatOut 2 *.BGM Load
League of Angels – Heaven's Fury *.MESH/MTL Load
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition *.EM Load
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition *.MESH/TYPE Load
MU Archangel *.37 Load
Muhon (Wuhun) *.MSH Load
NTT Engine
(LEGO Star Wars:The Skywalker Saga) *.MODEL Load
Race and Drift *.M3D Load
SDF (SubDivFormer) 3D *.OM;SDF Load
ShiVa3D Engine (Dust: Offroad Racing) *.MSH Load
Soldier Front 1 *.LMA Load
The Legend of the Condor Heroes *.COL Load
The Legend of the Condor Heroes *.MESH/MATERIAL Load
Third Wire Productions
(Strike Fighters: Project 1;
Strike Fighters 2) *.HFD/INI Load
Transport Fever *.MSH/BLOB/MTL Load
Tsunami 2265 *.MEF Load
Improved modules:
City Racing 3D; Fast and Furious 8 *.ZDO Load
GEM 2 Engine (Men of War: Vietnam;
Men of War: Assault Squad 2) *.PLY/MTL Load
Horde3D Engine (v5;v6; Offroad Legends;
Offroad Legends 2) *.GEO Load
Mercury Steam Engine
(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow) *.MSH Load
Sins of a Solar Empire Binary *.MESH Load
Tales Runner *.M1/PT1 Load
Object, Material, Bone Selector
New features:
Configuration/Import Extract_The_Textures_From_The_Tsunami_2265_File_After_Load (default=true)
Configuration/Import Skip_The_RBR_Hierarchy_Information (default=false)
Final Exam *.HVT texture format
League of Angels – Heaven's Fury *.DDS texture format
League of Angels – Heaven's Fury *.TGA texture format
Made Man *.WIM texture format
Midtown Madness / Midnight Club *.TEX texture format
Other changes:
City Racing 3D; Fast and Furious 8 .ZDO Renamed to City Racing 2; City Racing 3D; Fast and Furious 8; Space Racing 2 .ZDO
GEM 2 Engine (Men of War: Vietnam;
Men of War: Assault Squad 2) .PLY/MTL Renamed to GEM 2 Engine (Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront; Men of War: Vietnam; Men of War: Assault Squad 2) .PLY/MTL
GEM 2 Engine (Men of War: Vietnam;
Men of War: Assault Squad 2) .VOL Renamed to GEM 2 Engine (Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront; Men of War: Vietnam; Men of War: Assault Squad 2) .VOL
Horde3D Engine (v5;v6;
Offroad Legends;
Offroad Legends 2) .GEO Renamed to Horde3D Engine (v5;v6; Blocky Highway; Offroad Legends; Offroad Legends 2) .GEO
V8.0 Gold Edition
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: April 12, 2021
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.756.667 bytes
Updates: 8.001-8.025
Supported file formats: 819
New modules:
Abyss Engine (Galaxy On Fire) *.AE3 Load
Abyss Engine (Galaxy On Fire) *.AE3MESH Load
AirStrike 3D: Operation W.A.T.;
AirStrike II: Gulf Thunder *.MDL Load
Antarctica Engine (SuperTuxKart) *.SPM Load
Aquadelic GT *.BOB/AM Load
Cabela's 4X4 Off-Road Adventure 3 *.SKIN Load
City Racing 3D; Fast and Furious 8 *.ZDO Load
Clausewitz Engine
(Stellaris: Ancient Relics) *.MESH Load
DarkStar One *.3DO Load
DarkStar One *.SHD Load
Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue *.MESH Load
DirectX Binary Mesh *.X Load
E2 game engine
(Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019) *.TRAINZMESH/
Frogger: The Great Quest
(triangles only) *.VTX;*.Y6T Load
Garfield Kart: Furious Racing *.MESH Load
Gas Guzzlers Extreme *.PEMB/MODEL Load
GioGio's Bizarre Adventure
(unpacked player, npc models only) *.PZZ Load
Glest *.G3D Load
God Summoner *.SM/VSM Load
God Summoner *.SKIN/VSKIN Load
HEAT Online *.SCX Load
HeeksCAD (STLSolid only) *.HEEKS Save
Hot Wheels: World Race *.ROM Load
Hot Wheels: World Race *.SHM Load
iOS Activity Achievement Badges *.BDG Load
Kill la Kill IF *.MDL Load
Lost Saga Online *.MSH Load
MedAlyVis *.TRI Load / Save
MicroProse (Gunship!) *.3DB Load
MicroProse (European Air War;
Fleet Defender Gold; Gunship!) *.3DZ Load
NEX Model *.NEX Load
OpenCAMLib *.PY Save
Tales Runner *.M1/PT1 Load
The I of the Dragon *.MSH Load
Third Wire Productions
(Strike Fighters 2) *.LOD Load
Tree of Savior *.3D Load
Twelve Sky 2 (extracted *.SOBJECT file) *.MDL Load
Voltron: Defender of the Universe *.RVM Load
Vuforia Engine *.V3D Load / Save
Improved modules:
3D Triangle Irregular NetWork *.TIN Load
Abyss Engine (Sports Car Challenge) *.AEM Load
Black Desert *.MAPDATA Load
Colobot ASCII *.TXT Save
EA Sports Fight Night Champion *.GEOM Load
Forgelight Engine (Free Realms;
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Adventures) *.DME/DSK Load
GEM 2 Engine (Men of War: Vietnam
Men of War: Assault Squad 2) *.PLY/MTL Load
Horde3D *.GEO Load
Half-Life Studio Model *.SMD Load
Laghaim (unprotected .csy) *.CSY/BPD Load
Laghaim *.LOL Load
MikuMikuDance *.PMD Load
MikuMikuDance *.PMX Load
Moonlight Blade *.DAT;*.DFONT Load
Moonlight Blade *.QSG Load
Shaiya Online *.3DC Save
Scions of Fate *.SKIN/BON Load
Sins of a Solar Empire Binary *.MESH Load
Perfect World *.BMD Load
Revolution3D Graphics Engine *.DXE Save
ROBLOX ASCII Mesh 1.0 *.Mesh Save
Third Wire Productions
(Strike Fighters: Project 1) *.LOD Load
Trainz Mesh Importer *.XML Save
Trinigy Vision Engine
(Arcania: Gothic 4;
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes;
Orcs Must Die; Trapped Dead) *.VMESH Load
Unreal *_D.3D,*_A.3D Load
Wavefront *.OBJ/MTL Load
Whale 2 Engine Binary
(Starpoint Gemini 2) *.MDL Load
Z Corporation *.ZPR Load
Abyss Engine *.AEI texture format
Portable Network Graphics *.PNG texture format
Geometry transformation
Send OpenGL Bitmap To Clipboard
New features:
Scene rotation (CTRL+P), View/Scene rotation...
Texture converters (Tools/Texture converters...) Kill la Kill IF .cvt to .dds (DXT5) converter
DirectDraw Surface .dds (DXT1,DXT5) to Abyss Engine .aei converter
Fantasy Tennis .tex to DirectDraw Surface .dds (DXT1,DXT3,DXT5) converter
Custom Maid 3D 2 .tex to Portable Network Graphics .png converter
Fast and Furious 8 .zbp to Better Portable Graphics .bpg converter
Export Bones... (Tools/Export bones) 3D Studio Max Script (.ms)
Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue *.TEX texture format
Fantasy Tennis *.TEX texture format
Frogger: The Great Quest *.IMG texture format
Garfield Kart: Furious Racing *.TEX texture format
Hellboy: Science of Evil PS3 *.TEX texture format
Kill la Kill IF *.CVT texture format
Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure *.ST texture format
MikuMikuDance *.SPA texture format
MikuMikuDance *.SPH texture format
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI *.WFT texture format
Configuration/Import Extract_The_PNG_File_From_The_Tree_Of_Savior_3D_File_After_Load (default=true)
Configuration/Import/For Batch Converter only BC_Flip_UV_Map_Vertically_After_Load (default=false)
Other changes:
Auto rotate CRTL+R --> CTRL+A
Abyss Engine (Sports Car Challenge).AEM Renamed to Abyss Engine (Galaxy on Fire, Sports Car Challenge) .AEM
Horde3D .GEO Renamed to Horde3D Engine (v5;v6; Offroad Legends; Offroad Legends 2) .GEO/.SCENE.XML/.MATERIAL.XML or .GEO/.H3D
Moonlight Blade .DAT; .DFONT Renamed to QuickSilver Engine (Moonlight Blade) .DAT; .DFONT
Moonlight Blade .QSG Renamed to QuickSilver Engine (Moonlight Blade) .QSG
Whale 2 Engine Binary
(Starpoint Gemini 2) .MDL Renamed to Whale 2 Engine Binary (Starpoint Gemini 2, Starpoint Gemini Warlords) .MDL
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: February 12, 2019
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.659.727 bytes
Updates: 7.001-7.047
Supported file formats: 782
New modules:
Ancient Wars: Sparta *.MDL Load
Autodesk FBX 2011 ASCII *.FBX Save
Bejeweled 3 *.P3D Load
Black Desert *.PAC/PAB Load
Black Desert *.PCM Load
Black Desert Mobile *.PAC Load
CANVAS Engine (Valkyria Chronicles) *.ABR Load
CANVAS Engine (Valkyria Chronicles) *.MLX Load
Colobot ASCII *.TXT Load / Save
Colobot Binary *.MOD Load
Commander: Conquest of the Americas *.S3D Load
Custom Maid 3D 2 *.MODEL Load
Devil Daggers * Load
Devil Daggers (packed) dd file/* Load
East India Company *.BIN Load
(Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing) *.SCO/MAT Load / Save
FreeCAD Binary Mesh *.BMS Load / Save
HeeksCAD (STLSolid only) *.HEEKS Load
Heightmap Conversion Software
(HMCS) Binary *.HMB Load
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising *.S01 Load
IGES (entity 116) *.IGS Save
Laghaim (unprotected .csy) *.CSY/BPD Load
Laghaim *.LOL Load
LinuxCAD (3D Face) *.DXS Load
Moonlight Blade *.DAT;*.DFONT Load
Moonlight Blade *.QSG Load
NeoX Engine *.MESH/GIM/MTG Load
Neverwinter Nights 2 *.MDB Load
Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition *.MDL Load
Nine Dragons Awaken *.X3D Load
Perfect World *.BMD Load
Perfect World *.MOX Load
Poisson Surface Reconstructor Binary *.BNPTS Save
Realsoft 3D Javascript *.JS Save
Star Stable Online *.PME Load
TheEngine (King's Bounty: Crossworlds) *.BMA Load
TheEngine (King's Bounty: Crossworlds) *.BMS Load
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky *._X3 Load
Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon *.MDB Load
XNA Posing Studio Generic Item *.OBJ/MTL/ARL Save
X-Plane 8.x *.OBJ Save
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward *.BM Load
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward *.BSM Load
Improved modules:
3D Vertex Model ASCII *.TXT Load
3D Vertex Model Binary *.RVM Load
Ark *.3D/MAT Save
Art-O-Matic *.3DZ Load
BigWorld Technology
(World of Tanks) *.PRIMITIVES/VISUAL Load
BigWorld Technology
(World of Tanks)
Black Desert *.PAM Load
cal3D ASCII Mesh *.XMF Load
Child of Light *.M3D.CKD/.S3D.CKD Load
ComiPo! *.CSU Load
CrystalSpace *.XML Load
DCC Virtual Reality LAB *.DCC Load
Dino and Aliens *.MSH/CGO Load
Easymodel 2.x Object *.OBQ Load
Easymodel 2.x Scene *.EMD Load
FlightSim Model *.DAT Save
Forgelight Engine (Free Realms;
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Adventures) *.DME Load
Hammer Engine (Crossout, Star Conflict) *.MDL-MSH*/MDF Load
iCube Engine (Point Blank) *.I3S Load
iCube Engine texture format *.I3I Load
"II" Demo (TLS) *.BIN Load
Illusion Viewer
/without transformation/ *.X Load
Indexed Face Set (IFS) *.IFS Save
Jaw3D *.JAW Load
League of Legends *.SCO/MATBIN Load
League of Legends *.SCO Save
Mercury Steam Engine 2
(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2) *.MSH Load
Moray *.UDO Save
Motocross Madness 2 *.SLT Load
"Oldskool Trippin" Demo *.DBV Load
Oleg's B3D format *.B3D Load
Path of Exile *.SMD/SM/MAT Load
Poisson Surface Reconstructor ASCII *.NPTS Save
POVLAB Lathe *.LTH Load
Power Render *.PRO Load
RayLathe *.DAT Load
RenderWare Binary *.DFF Load
Royal Quest *.MESH Load
Rysk Your Life 2 *.Z3M Load
Rysk Your Life 2 *.Z3M Save
Shaiya Online *.3DC Save
Sin *.SAM/SBM Load
Sin *.PAK Load
sof3D *.SOF Save
"strange feelings" Demo *.OB3 Load
Thang Online *.MSH Load
"The Friday Night" Demo *.K3D Load
Tianji Online *.MDX2 Load
UnrealEd 3 *.T3D Save
VDrift *.JOE Load
Vertex ASCII *.ASC Load
VistaPro ASCII Elevation Data *.TXT Load
VoxBlast ASCII *.POLY Load
Wavefront *.OBJ/MTL Load
YafRay *.XML Load
New features:
EGO Engine *.EGO texture format
Laghaim *.SEK texture format
Laghaim *.WXY texture format
Monster Hunter: World *.TEX texture format
Star Stable Online *.PTE texture format
Trials Fusion *.TEX texture format
Viewer for the supported texture formats
Configuration/Import Extract_The_DDS_Files_From_The_CANVAS_Engine_ABR_MLX_Files_After_Load (default=True)
Configuration/Import Extract_The_PNG_File_From_The_CM3D2_Tex_File_After_Load (default=True)
Configuration/Import Skip_The_NeoX_Engine_Unknown_Data_Block_To_Get_Right_UV_Datas (default=False)
Other changes:
Configuration/General Number_of_Update_Servers (default=1)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_2 (default=URL #2 not specified!)
CyberMotion .CMO Renamed to CyberMotion ASCII .CMO
Free Realms (and Star Wars:
The Clone Wars Adventures) .DME Renamed to Forgelight engine (Free Realms; Star Wars: The Clone Wars Adventures) .DME
Massive .MASSIVE Renamed to Massive /without transformation/ .MASSIVE
Mercury Steam Engine 2
(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2) .MSH Renamed to Mercury Steam Engine 2 (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2; Raiders of the Broken Planet) .MSH
Reaction Engine
/single, non animated object only/ .G3D Renamed to Reaction Engine (Chain Reaction) /single, non animated object only/ .G3D
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: December 16, 2016
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.541.507 bytes
Updates: 6.501-6.545
Supported file formats: 740
New modules:
Black Desert *.MAPDATA Load
BrainNet Viewer *.NV Load / Save
BrainSuite *.DFS Load
Elite Force *.WPK Load
GEM 2 Engine (Men of War: Vietnam
Men of War: Assault Squad 2) *.VOL Load
Grin Engine (Bionic Commando,
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West,
Terminator Salvation,
Wanted: Weapons of Fate) *.DIESEL Load
Hammer Engine (Crossout, Star Conflict) *.MDL-MSH*/MDF Load
Haydee *.MESH/MTL Load
Legend of Grimrock *.MESH/MATERIALSLoad
Legend of Grimrock *.MODEL/MATERIALSLoad
Rumble Fighter *.NSX Load
Surf Ice (uncompressed) *.MZ3 Load / Save
The Thing *.MSH Load
Virtual Pool 4 *.DAE Load
Vertex Buffer Object
(Windows 8.0 Resource loading sample) *.VBO Load / Save
Whale 2 Engine Binary
(Starpoint Gemini 2) *.MDL Load
X3 Reality Engine (X3 Terran Conflict) *.BOB Load
X3 Reality Engine (X3 Terran Conflict)
(converted with x2bc) *.BOD Load
XNA Posing Studio *.XPS Load
New features:
Legend of Grimrock *.D3D9_TEXTURE texture format
Configuration/General Folders_Tree_On_StartUp (default=0) 0: Off 1: On
Configuration/General Object_Material_Bone_Selector_On_StartUp (default=0) 0: Off 1: On
Configuration/General Window_Left (default=250)
Configuration/General Window_Top (default=160)
Configuration/General Window_Width (default=980)
Configuration/General Window_Height (default=600)
Configuration/Import Wavefront_Object_Separator_Type (default=0) 0: Group name 1: Object name
Configuration/Export 3D_Studio_Export_Long_Texture_FileNames (default=False)
Improved modules:
3D Studio Max ASCII *.ASE Load
Aarklash: Legacy *.CEF Load
Auran Jet *.IM/PM Load
BigWorld Technology
(World of Tanks) *.PRIMITIVES/
BigWorld Technology
Black Desert *.PAC/PAB Load
cal3D ASCII Mesh *.XMF Load
Free Realms *.DME Load
FreeSurfer Triangle Surface Binary * Load
Sins of a Solar Empire Binary *.MESH Load
Third Wire Productions *.LOD Load
Trinigy Vision Engine
(Arcania: Gothic 4;
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes;
Orcs Must Die; Trapped Dead;
Soul Worker) *.VMESH Load
Wavefront *.OBJ/MTL Load
XNALara Binary Mesh *.MESH Load
Other changes:
Aarklash: Legacy .CEF Renamed to Cyanide Studio's game engine (Aarklash: Legacy; Blood Bowl 2; Confrontation; Dogs of War Online) .CEF
MU Online
(undecoded simple object) .BMD Renamed to MU Online (uncoded simple object) .BMD
Third Wire Productions .LOD Renamed to Third Wire Productions (Strike Fighters: Project 1) .LOD
Third Wire Productions .SHD Renamed to Third Wire Productions (Strike Fighters: Project 1) .SHD
Configuration/Export 3D_Studio_Max_ASCII_Scene_Export_Multi_Sub_Object_Materials (default=True);
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: February 16, 2016
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.501.117 bytes
Updates: 6.401-6.420
Supported file formats: 720
New features:
Abyss Engine *.AEI texture format
Batch converter Detailed object statistics
Configuration/Import Trinigy_Vision_Engine_UV_Format_Type (default=0) 0: Arcania: Gothic 4; Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes; Orcs Must Die; Trapped Dead
1: Soul Worker
New modules:
Anno 2070 *.RDM Load
ARAS 360 *.A3X Load
BigWorld Technology (World of Tanks)
Black Desert *.PAC/PAB Load
Black Desert *.PAM Load
Buddha Engine (Costume Quest) *.MESH.HEADER/
*.RIG Load
Dekaron (2 Moons) *.MESH/TPACK Load
EnSite DIF *.XML Save
Ferentus, Herrcot, Xiones *.CMH Load
GEM 2 Engine (Men of War: Vietnam;
Men of War: Assault Squad 2) *.PLY/MTL Load
Grand Chase *.P3M Load
Havok Vision Engine (Azera Online) *.MODEL Load
LandXML TIN Surfaces *.XML Load / Save
MikuMikuDance *.PMX Load
OMSI - The Bus Simulator v1.00 *.O3D Save
PC Crash ASCII *.IN Load
RF Online *.MSH Load
Topocad Terrain Model *.DTM Load
Improved modules:
Aarklash: Legacy *.CEF Load
Abyss Engine (Sports Car Challenge) *.AEM Load
OGRE Binary *.MESH Load
OMSI - The Bus Simulator v1.00 *.O3D Load
QuickDraw3D *.3DMF Load
Richard Burns Rally *.SGC Load
ROBLOX Binary Mesh 2.0 *.Mesh Load
Star Wars: Starfighter *.MSH/MTL Load
Trinigy Vision Engine
(Arcania: Gothic 4;
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes;
Orcs Must Die; Trapped Dead;
Soul Worker) *.MODEL Load
Trinigy Vision Engine
(Arcania: Gothic 4;
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes;
Orcs Must Die; Trapped Dead;
Soul Worker) *.VMESH Load
Wavefront *.OBJ/MTL Save
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: May 16, 2015
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.448.528 bytes
Supported file formats: 702
New feature:
iCube Engine *.I3I texture format
New modules:
iCube Engine (Point Blank) *.I3S Load
Lune of Eden *.COL Load
ROBLOX ASCII Mesh 1.0 *.Mesh Save
ROBLOX Binary Mesh 2.0 *.Mesh Load
Improved modules:
NCsoft (Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa) *.GEO Load
Star Wars: Galaxies *.MGN Load
Star Wars: Galaxies *.MSH Load
Other changes:
STP (University format) .STP Renamed to TNT Leibniz Universität Hannover .STP
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: April 3, 2015
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.442.589 bytes
Supported file formats: 698
New feature:
Child of Light *.TGA.CKD texture format
New modules:
Child of Light *.M3D.CKD/S3D.CKD Load
League of Legends *.WGEO Load
Nicktoons Racing *.GEO Load
Unigine Engine (Oil Rush) *.MESH Load
Improved modules:
Aarklash: Legacy *.CEF Load
DeleD 3D Editor XML Scene *.DXS Load
Polygon File Format (Stanford) Binary *.PLY Load
Sega GT 2002 *.XMX Load
Other changes:
Configuration/View Vertex_Normal_Size (default=5 /instead of 10/)
Configuration/View Face_Normal_Size (default=5 /instead of 10/)
Refractor Engine 2
(Battlefield series) .SM/RS Renamed to Refractor Engine (Battlefield 1942; Battlefield Vietnam) .SM/RS
Battlefield (2142; Heroes) .SKINNEDMESH Renamed to Refractor Engine 2 (Battlefield 2142; Battlefield Heroes) .SKINNEDMESH
Show vertex normal
Show face normal
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: February 3, 2015
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.435.467 bytes
Supported file formats: 694
New features:
Configuration/Import Load_The_First_LOD_Only (default=true)
Configuration/Import Skip_The_Collision_Objects (default=true)
New modules:
GeoJSON [2D MultiPolygon] *.GEOJSON Save
GIANTS Engine Binary
(Farming Simulator 2012, 2014) *.P3D Load
Martial Heroes *.SKN Load
Refractor Engine 2
(Battlefield series) *.SM/RS Load
Improved modules:
Aarklash: Legacy *.CEF Load
Cyber Studio CAD-3D *.3D2 Load
Leauge of Legends *.SKN/SKL Load
Other changes:
Configuration/Import Removed: Skip_The_BOTI_Collision_Objects (Battle of the Immortals .M4F)
Configuration/Import Removed: Skip_The_Mercury_Steam_Engine_Collision_Objects (Mercury Steam Engine .SM3, .MSH)
CAD-3D .3D2 Renamed to Cyber Studio CAD-3D .3D2
V6.0 Gold Edition
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: November 3, 2014
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.428.466 bytes
Supported file formats: 690
New features:
Tales of Fantasy *.QTX texture format - uncompressed 24, compressed 32 bits
Improved Command Line support -exportpath
Configuration/Export 3D_Studio_Max_ASCII_Scene_Export_Multi_Sub_Object_Materials (default=false)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_2 ű(default=http://3dconverter.webege.com)
New modules:
AutoCAD DXF [2D POLYLINE] *.DXF Load / Save
Aarklash: Legacy *.CEF Load
Abyss Engine (Sports Car Challenge) *.AEM Load
Additive Manufacturing File Format *.AMF Save
cal3D ASCII Mesh *.XMF Save
cal3D Binary Mesh (IMVU) *.XMF Load
ComiPo! *.CSU Load
DS2 Engine (You Are Empty) *.DS2MD Load
DUG Polygon *.DUPOLY Load / Save
Horde3D *.GEO Load
Marmoset *.MESH Load
Mercury Steam Engine 2
(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2) *.MSH Load
Nitroplus (More! Sonicomi) *.MDL Load
OpenSCAD *.SCAD Save
Orion Engine v1 (The Stalin Subway;
The Stalin Subway: The Red Veil) *.MSH Load
OrthoModel *.ORT Load
QQXY *.SM Load
Rodin4D *.BIN(from .R4S)Load
Rysk Your Life 2 *.R3S Load
Rysk Your Life 2 *.Z3AM Load / Save
Rysk Your Life 2 *.Z3M/SKEL Load / Save
(the save module needs the original .z3m file!)
Sega GT 2002 *.XMX Load
Shaiya Online *.3DC Save
(the save module needs the original .3dc file for animated model!)
(Software for Interactive
Musculoskeletal Modeling) *.PHD Load / Save
Spark Engine (Natural Selection 2) *.MODEL/MATERIALLoad
Unreal Engine Skeletal Mesh *.PSK Load
xNormal Simple Binary Mesh *.SBM Load / Save
Z Corporation *.ZPR Load
ZnZin Engine (Rose Online) *.ZMS Load
Zu Online *.MEX Load
Improved modules:
cal3D ASCII Mesh *.XMF Load
cal3D Binary Mesh *.CMF Load
DirectX ASCII Mesh *.X Load
Free Realms *.DME Load
Path of Exile *.SMD/SM/MAT Load
Rend Binary *.BIN Load
Shaiya Online *.SMOD Load
Stereolithography Binary *.STL Load
Tales of Fantasy *.SKEM Load
Tales of Fantasy *.SM Load
Wavefront *.OBJ/MTL Load
XNALara Binary Mesh *.MESH Save
Texture loader *.DDS Rysk Your Life 2 .DDS variant type 1
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: October 4, 2013
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.383.427 bytes
Supported file formats: 660
New features:
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_1 (default=2) '3D Studio Binary Mesh .3ds'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_2 (default=122) '3D Studio Max ASCII Scene .ase'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_3 (default=6) 'AC3D .ac'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_4 (default=8) 'AutoCAD DXF [3D FACE] .dxf'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_5 (default=99) 'DirectX ASCII Mesh .x'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_6 (default=291) 'LightWave 3D LScript .ls'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_7 (default=201) 'Metasequoia .mqo'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_8 (default=237) 'OGRE ASCII .xml'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_9 (default=106) 'Polygon File Format (Stanford) ASCII .ply'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_10 (default=292) 'Shaiya Online .3do'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_11 (default=56) 'Stereolithography Binary .stl'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_12 (default=293) 'Trainz Mesh Importer .xml'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_13 (default=68) 'Wavefront .obj'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_14 (default=72) 'Web3D Consortium Extensible 3D .x3d'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_15 (default=288) 'XNALara Binary .mesh'
New modules:
Secret Agent Clank *.COOKED Load
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: July 31, 2013
Released at: http://3doc.i3dconverter.com
File size: 2.379.901 bytes
Supported file formats: 659
New features:
A degressive rate is applied when you purchase several licenses.
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_1 (default=2) '3D Studio Binary Mesh .3ds'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_2 (default=122) '3D Studio Max ASCII Scene .ase'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_3 (default=8) 'AutoCAD DXF [3D FACE] .dxf'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_4 (default=99) 'DirectX ASCII Mesh .x'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_5 (default=291) 'LightWave 3D LScript .ls'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_6 (default=201) 'Metasequoia .mqo'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_7 (default=237) 'OGRE ASCII .xml'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_8 (default=106) 'Polygon File Format (Stanford) ASCII .ply'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_9 (default=292) 'Shaiya Online .3do'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_10 (default=294) 'Leauge of Legends .sco'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_11 (default=56) 'Stereolithography Binary .stl'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_12 (default=293) 'Trainz Mesh Importer .xml'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_13 (default=68) 'Wavefront .obj'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_14 (default=72) 'Web3D Consortium Extensible 3D .x3d'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_15 (default=288) 'XNALara Binary .mesh'
Configuration/General Home_Page_URL (default=http://3doc.i3dconverter.com)
Configuration/General Number_Of_Update_Servers (default=2)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_1 (default=http://3doc.i3dconverter.com)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_2 (default=http://3dconverter.clanteam.com)
New modules:
OMSI - The Bus Simulator v1.00 *.O3D Load
RapidForm polygon faces data *.FCS Load / Save
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: May 19, 2013
Released at: http://3dconverter.clanteam.com
File size: 2.372.335 bytes
Supported file formats: 657
New features:
Romancing Clannad *.PIC texture format - uncompressed 24 bits
Configuration/General Number_Of_Update_Servers (default=3)
Configuration/General Selected_Update_Server (default=0)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_1 (default=http://3dconverter.clanteam.com)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_2 (default=http://3dconverter.webege.com)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_3 (default=http://web.t-online.hu/karpo)
Configuration/General Home_Page_URL (default=http://3dconverter.clanteam.com)
Configuration/Export Run_The_Trainz_Mesh_Importer_After_XML_Export_Automatically Export False (default=false)
Configuration/Export Trainz_Mesh_Importer_Location Export (default='')
Configuration/Export Trainz_Mesh_Importer_Options Export (default='')
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_1 (default=2) '3D Studio Binary Mesh .3ds'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_2 (default=122) '3D Studio Max ASCII Scene .ase'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_3 (default=6) 'AC3D .ac'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_4 (default=8) 'AutoCAD DXF [3D FACE] .dxf'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_5 (default=99) 'DirectX ASCII Mesh .x'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_6 (default=291) 'LightWave 3D LScript .ls'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_7 (default=201) 'Metasequoia .mqo'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_8 (default=237) 'OGRE ASCII .xml'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_9 (default=106) 'Polygon File Format (Stanford) ASCII .ply'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_10 (default=292) 'Shaiya Online .3do'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_11 (default=56) 'Stereolithography Binary .stl'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_12 (default=293) 'Trainz Mesh Importer .xml'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_13 (default=68) 'Wavefront .obj'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_14 (default=72) 'Web3D Consortium Extensible 3D .x3d'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_15 (default=288) 'XNALara Binary .mesh'
Configuration/Export Web3D_Consortium_Extensible_3D_Texture_URL (default='')
Configuration/Export Web3D_Consortium_Extensible_3D_Use_The_Texture_URL (default=false)
New modules:
EA Sports Fight Night Champion *.GEOM Load
Leauge of Legends *.SCO Save
LightWave 3D LScript *.LS Save
Nitroplus (SoniComi) *.MDL Load
Path of Exile *.SMD/SM/MAT Load
Shaiya Online *.3DE Load
Trainz Mesh Importer *.XML Save
X-Plane v8.x *.OBJ Load
V5.0 Gold Edition
Phase: V. = Bone support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: December 31, 2012
Released at: http://3dconverter.webege.com
File size: 2.349.446 bytes
Update: 5.001
Supported file formats: 650
New features:
Batch converter Create object statistic about the selected files (default=false); Copy to Clipboard
Set the default texture file extension in the material table before export (default=False)
Draw/Show Bones
Detailed Bone Information
File/Save as.. (favourite)
Help/Online help
Internet WEB Updater v1.40
Real 3D wireframe view
Configuration/Colors Bone_R (default=0)
Configuration/Colors Bone_G (default=0)
Configuration/Colors Bone_B (default=1.0)
Configuration/Colors Bone_Connection_R (default=1.0)
Configuration/Colors Bone_Connection_G (default=1.0)
Configuration/Colors Bone_Connection_B (default=0.5)
Configuration/Colors Vertex_Color_R_Default_Material (default=1.0)
Configuration/Colors Vertex_Color_G_Default_Material (default=1.0)
Configuration/Colors Vertex_Color_B_Default_Material (default=1.0)
Configuration/Colors Vertex_Color_A_Default_Material (default=1.0)
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_1 (default=2) '3D Studio Binary Mesh .3ds'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_2 (default=122) '3D Studio Max ASCII Scene .ase'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_3 (default=8) 'AutoCAD DXF [3D FACE] .dxf'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_4 (default=99) 'DirectX ASCII Mesh .x'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_5 (default=237) 'OGRE ASCII .xml'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_6 (default=106) 'Polygon File Format (Stanford) ASCII .ply'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_7 (default=107) 'Polygon File Format (Stanford) Binary .ply'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_8 (default=56) 'Stereolithography Binary .stl'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_9 (default=68) 'Wavefront .obj'
Configuration/Export Favourite_Export_Format_Code_10 (default=288) 'XNALara Binary .mesh'
Configuration/Export OGRE_ASCII_Vertex_Normals_Export (default=true)
Configuration/General Home_Page_URL (default=http://3dconverter.webege.com)
Configuration/General Number_Of_Update_Servers (default=2)
Configuration/General HTTP_Proxy_Enabled (default=false)
Configuration/General HTTP_Proxy_Address (default='')
Configuration/General HTTP_Proxy_Port (default='')
Configuration/General HTTP_Proxy_User_Authentication (default=false)
Configuration/General HTTP_Proxy_Username (default='')
Configuration/General HTTP_Proxy_Password (default='')
Configuration/General Selected_Update_Server (default=0)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_1 (default=http://3dconverter.webege.com)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_2 (default=http://web.t-online.hu/karpo)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_3 (default=<URL #3 not specified !>)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_4 (default=<URL #4 not specified !>)
Configuration/General Update_Server_URL_5 (default=<URL #5 not specified !>)
Configuration/General ToolBar_Button_Style_Type (default=1) 0=Normal; 1=Flat
Configuration/General Toolbar_Color_Use_The_OpenGL_Normal_Background_Color (default=false)
Configuration/Import Max_Number_Of_Polys_Per_Subobject (default=20000)
Configuration/Import Skip_The_BOTI_Collision_Objects (default=true)
Configuration/Import Surfstand_Surface_Data_File_Scale_Correction (default=1000000)
Configuration/View ThreeD_Glasses_Type (default=0) 0=Red/Cyan; 1=Green/Magenta; 2=Blue/Lime
Configuration/View ThreeD_View_Separation (default=50)
EA Sports MMA *_COMP,
*_COL texture format - compressed
Hero Online *.DXT texture format - uncompressed
Lune of Eden *.EDV texture format - compressed
Portable Network Graphics *.PNG texture format - compressed 24, 32 bits
Scions of Fate *.D2S texture format - compressed
With Your Destiny *.WYS texture format - compressed
New modules:
3D Systems *.SLC Load
7.62 High Calibre *.MESH Load
Archangel *.XBN Load
Archlord *.ECL Load
Battle of the Immortals *.M4F Load
Dino and Aliens *.MSH/CGO Load
EA Sports MMA *_GEOM Load
Eclipse Engine
(War Inc. Battle Zone; The War Z) *.SCB/MAT Load
Ferentus, Herrcot, Xiones
(non character objects) *.MSH Load
GAEB REB-VB 22.013 DGM *.REB Load
Hellgate London *.WM Load
Idea Spectrum Model
(Realtime Landscaping Plus, Pro) *.ISM Load
Loong: The Power of the Dragon *.FSCN Load
Loong: The Power of the Dragon *.FSKIN Load
Loong: The Power of the Dragon *.FSM Load
Lune of Eden *.MES Load
Lunia Online *.SKINNEDMESH/
XML Load
Maestia Online *.MMF Load
Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim *.MESH/MATERIAL Load
Might & Magic Heroes VI *.GOBJ Load
NCsoft (Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa) *.GEO Load
Neuro *.SMDL Load
PolyCAD (3D Polygon) *.GEO Load / Save
PolyCAD (3D Polyline) *.GEO Load / Save
Royal Quest *.MESH Load
Rusty Hearts *.MGM Load
Scions of Fate *.MDL Load
Scions of Fate *.SKIN Load
Shaiya Online *.3DO Save
Surfstand Surface Data File *.SDF Load
The Nebula Device 2 Binary *.NVX2 Load
Touhou Dokasuka *.GSA Load
Vision 3D Engine
(Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge;
Emergency 3; Lula 3D *.V3O Load
Voltron: Defender of the Universe *.CMFH/MAT.TXT/
With Your Destiny *.MSA Load
With Your Destiny *.MSH Load
XNALara Binary Mesh *.MESH Save
Phase: IV. = Texture support
Status: Finished
Release date: September 10, 2011
Released at: http://web.t-online.hu/karpo
File size: 2.192.236 bytes
Supported file formats: 615
New features:
Configuration/General Update_Application_Filename (default='update.exe')
Configuration/Import Skip_The_AeroFly_Quads (default=true)
Configuration/Export Wavefront_Vertex_Normals_Export (default=false)
Enhanced Batch Converter module (Export the material table's textures to .bmp files)
Internet WEB Updater v1.30
New modules:
AeroFly *.TGO Load
Arcania: Gothic 4 *.MODEL Load
BigWorld Technology (World of Tanks) *.PRIMITIVES Load
Blade Chronicle: Samurai Online *.MDL Load
Blade Chronicle: Samurai Online *.MBN Load
City of Dream (unpacked) *.GCF Load
Hero Online *.N3PMESH Load
Keroro Online *.MSH Load
Tales of Fantasy *.SKEM Load
Tales of Fantasy *.SM Load
Trapped Dead *.MODEL Load
Trapped Dead *.VCOLMESH Load
Trinity Online *.MMB Load
XNALara Binary Mesh *.MESH Load
Phase: IV. = Texture support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: March 28, 2011
Released at: http://web.t-online.hu/karpo
File size: 2.170.168 bytes
Updates: 4.601-4.605
Supported file formats: 600
New features:
Internet WEB Updater v1.20
Tools/Calculate Vertex Colors from Face Colors
Tools/Export the material table's textures to .bmp files
Object and Material Selector/Invert Object Face Orientation
View/Show Grid
On Toolbar: Folders on/off
Configuration/Colors Scene_Grid_R (default=0.3)
Configuration/Colors Scene_Grid_G (default=0.3)
Configuration/Colors Scene_Grid_B (default=0.3)
Configuration/Import Default_Texture_SubDirectory (default='.\textures')
Configuration/Import Use_The_Default_Texture_SubDirectory_For_Textured_View (default=false)
Configuration/Import Skip_The_Conquer_Online_Non_Body_Objects (default=true)
Configuration/Import Skip_The_Mercury_Steam_Engine_Collision_Objects (default=true)
Configuration/Import Convert_The_UV_Face_Maps_To_UV_Vertex_Maps_After_Load (default=false)
Configuration/Export Default_iGO8_tex_Filename (default='car_grey.tex')
Configuration/Export Create_tex_File_After_iGO8_mdl_Export_Automatically (default=false)
Configuration/Export Old_Style_SaveDialog (default=false)
Configuration/View Grid_Size (default=10)
Enhanced Batch Converter module (Add all files in a Directory)
Command Line support 3dconverter.exe sample.3ds //opens and views the sample.3ds file
3dconverter.exe sample.3ds 10 50 60 //opens and views and converts the sample.3ds file into
10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini)
3dconverter.exe sample.3ds -nogui 10 50 60 //opens and converts the sample.3ds file into
10th 50th 60th formats (modules.ini) without GUI
Aika Online *.JIT texture format - compressed
Avalon Heroes *.TEX texture format - compressed
Fear 2: Reborn *.TEX texture format - compressed
Ferentus, Herrcot, Xiones *.BDS texture format - compressed
Joymax (Silkroad Online) *.DDJ texture format - compressed
Knight Online, Hero Online *.DXT texture format - compressed
New modules:
Aika Online *.MSH Load
Airplay *.GEO/MAT Load
Avalon Heroes (packed like _NPC.msh) *.MSH/MSH Load
Avalon Heroes (unpacked) *.MSH Load
Battlefield (2142; Heroes) *.SKINNEDMESH Load
Believe3D *.B3D Load
CableMod *.XML Save
Cauldron (Soldier of Fortune: Payback) *.MSH/MTL Load
Conquer Online *.C3 Load
Continent of the Ninth (C9) *.R3CM Load
East India Company *.S3D Load
ESP Vision Scene *.ESC Load
Eternal Lands *.E3D Load
Free Realms *.DME Load
Generic Polygon Clipper (GPC) *.GPF Load
GiD ASCII Mesh *.MSH Save
Gmsh ASCII Mesh *.MSH Save
Granado Espada *.LMA Load
Happy Tree Friends: false Alarm *.MDL Load
Indexed Face Set (IFS) *.IFS Load / Save
JellyCar *.SOFTBODY Load
Joymax (Silkroad Online) *.BMS Load
JZB *.IFL Save
Knight Online *.N3CSKINS Load
Leauge of Legends *.SCO Load
Leauge of Legends *.SKN Load
Luna Online *.MOD Load
Mathematica 3-Script (polygons only) *.TS Load / Save
Medit *.MESH/MEDIT Save
Mercury Steam Engine
(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow) *.MSH Load
Mercury Steam Engine
(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow) *.SM3 Load
Mercury Steam Engine
(Clive Barker's Jericho; Scrapland) *.SM3 Load
MikuMikuDance *.PMD Load
Nav N Go iGO 8 *.MDL Save
OpenCTM (RAW compression) *.CTM Load
OpenZone *.MSH;SCN Load
PMesh (University of Edinburgh) *.OBJ Load / Save
Point Orientation Tool (POT) *.PWN Save
Satellite Tool Kit (PolygonMesh only) *.MDL Load / Save
Shadow Man *.MSH Load
Shaiya Online *.3DC Load
Shaiya Online *.3DO Load
Shaiya Online *.SMOD Load
Sonalysts Combat Simulations
(Dangerous Waters, Fleet Command) *.J3D Load
Southlogic Studio
(Deer Hunter,Trophy Hunter) *.J3D Load
StarShip Troopers (single object only) *.SBM Load
Strawberry Shortcake: The Sweet Dreams *.INS Load
Sunflow *.SC Load
Terminator 3: War of the Machines *.SCA Load
TetGen *.POLY Load / Save
TetGen *.SMESH Load / Save
The Last Dance *.MESH Load
Virtual Tuning *.GEO/MAT Load
VRMesh *.VRG Load
Web3D Consortium Extensible 3D *.X3D Save
XIII Century: Death or Glory *.OSM Load
XIII Century: Death or Glory *.OSS Load
YS Flight *.SRF Load
Phase: IV. = Texture support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: March 20, 2009
Released at: http://web.t-online.hu/karpo
File size: 2.046.696 bytes
Updates: 4.401-4.435
Supported file formats: 543
New features:
Internet WEB Updater v1.10
Tools/Unwrap UV
Tools/Check for updates... (proxy support, but requires WEB update v1.10 or above).
Draw/Show Back-Facing Geometry
Draw/Flat Shaded + wireframe
Draw/Gouraud Shaded + wireframe
Configuration/Import Default_Object_Name (default='3D_Object')
Configuration/Import Skip_The_RBR_Non_External_Objects (default=true)
Configuration/Import Skip_The_Raster3D_Non_Solid_Objects (default=false)
Configuration/Export Run_The_OgreXMLConverter_After_XML_Export_Automatically (default=false)
Configuration/Export OgreXMLConverter_Location (default='')
Configuration/Export OgreXMLConverter_Options (default=-q)
Configuration/Tools Unwrap_UV_Output_Resolution_X (default=512)
Configuration/Tools Unwrap_UV_Output_Resolution_Y (default=512)
Configuration/Tools Unwrap_UV_Output_Resolution_Increment (default=128)
3D World Studio *.STF texture format
DirectDraw Surface *.DDS texture format - compressed DXT1, DXT2, DXT3, DXT4, DXT5
DirectDraw Surface *.DDS texture format - uncompressed 16 bits (R5G6B5, A1R5G5B5, X1R5G5B5)
DirectDraw Surface *.DDS texture format - uncompressed 24 bits (R8G8B8)
DirectDraw Surface *.DDS texture format - uncompressed 32 bits (A8R8G8B8, A8B8G8R8, X8R8G8B8, X8B8G8R8)
Titan Quest *.TEX texture format
New modules:
3D World Studio *.SMF Load
4x4 Evolution *.SMF Load / Save
AutoCAD (3D POINT) *.DXF Save
Breed *.OBJ Load
CAD '3D Points' *.CAD Load
DeleD 3D Editor XML Scene *.DXS Load
EnSite DIF *.XML Load
Expresso3D *.E3A Load
Expresso3D *.E3M Load
Forger3D *.M3D Load
Genesis Rising *.GEOMB/GOBJ Load
Lightwave 3D v6.x *.LWO Load
Milkshape 3D Text *.TXT Load
Misfit 3D Model *.MM3D Load
MU Online (undecoded simple object) *.BMD Load
Nav N Go iGO 8 *.MDL Load
oZone3D *.XML Load
R2: Reign of Revolution *.RMB Load
Railroad Tycoon 3 *.3DP Load
Railroad Tycoon 3 *.PK4/3DP Load
Relic Entertainment *.RGM Load
Re-Volt *.PRM Load
Re-Volt *.W Load
Richard Burns Rally *.SGC Load
SGI Polyhedron *.PHD Load / Save
SGI Radiosity *.GFO Load
Sins of a Solar Empire ASCII *.MESH Load
Sins of a Solar Empire Binary *.MESH Load
Star Trek: StarFleet Command *.MOD Load
Starshatter *.MAG Load
SuperViewer *.SV Load
Terragen 2 *.TGO Load
Tianji Online *.MDX2 Load
Titan Quest *.MSH Load
University of Minnesota Geometry C. data*.TRI Load / Save
Phase: IV. = Texture support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: March 27, 2008
Released at: http://web.t-online.hu/karpo
File size: 1.965.875 bytes
Updates: 4.201-4.222
Supported file formats: 508
New features:
Tools/Set the default texture file extension in the material table
View/Auto Rotate (CTRL-R)
Configuration/Import Default_Texture_File_Extension (default=.jpg)
Configuration/Import Set_The_Default_Texture_File_Extension_In_The_Material_Table_After_Load (default=false)
Configuration/Import BC_Skip_Stereolithography_Binary_STL_Files (default=false)
Configuration/Import BC_Invert_Face_Orientation_After_Load letrehozva (default=false)
Configuration/Import Morfit_Default_Texture_File_Extension_If_Not_Specified (removed !)
Configuration/View Auto_Rotation_Unit (default=1 degree)
New modules:
CryENGINE (Far Cry) *.CGF,CHR Load
CryENGINE2 (Crysis) *.(CGF,CHR)/MTL Load
DrawObjects (Polygon,Star,SolidArrow o.)*.DOB Load
Linden Binary Mesh (Second Life) *.LLM Load
My3DEngine *.M3D Load / Save
Painkiller *.PKMDL Load
Storm3D *.SOD Load
Triple Dash Garlic 3D Engine *.NFT Load / Save
V4.10 Gold Edition
Phase: IV. = Texture support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: January 19, 2008
Released at: http://web.t-online.hu/karpo
File size: 1.948.290 bytes
Update: 4.101
Supported file formats: 500
New features:
Tools/Flip UV Map Vertically (CTRL-U)
Tools/Delete UV Maps
View/Quick Polygon Statistics
Configuration/General Window_Stay_On_Top (default=false)
Configuration/Batch_Converter Invert_Face_Orientation_After_Load (default=false)
Configuration/Import Flip_UV_Map_Vertically_After_Load (default=false)
Configuration/Import Morfit_Default_Texture_File_Extension_If_Not_Specified (default=.jpg)
Configuration/Import Save_The_Auran_Jet_Attachment_And_Bone_Info_After_Load (default=false)
Configuration/Export VRML_10_ASCII_Rotate_Model (default=true)
New modules:
Babes & Balls Xtreme Beach Soccer *.KLX Load
CAD 'Mesh' *.CAD Load
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars *.W3DM Load
Darkstone *.O3D Load
Digital Reality *.BMOD Load
Digital Reality *.DRS Load
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars *.MD5B Load
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars *.MD5MESH Load
gCAD3D *.GCAD Save
Gmsh *.POS Load
Looking Glass Studios *.E Load
ObjectView *.3DO Load / Save
Operation Flashpoint (MLOD) *.P3D Load
Poisson Surface Reconstructor ASCII *.NPTS Load / Save
Poisson Surface Reconstructor Binary *.BPTS Load
Reflections *.R3;*.R4 Load
Rocket Jockey *.RWB Load
Star Wars: Galaxies *.MGN/SHT Load
Star Wars: Starfighter *.MSH/MTL Load
Star Wars: Starfighter /without transf./*.PMDL Load
Supreme Commander *.SCM Load
TerraGear *.ATG Load
Thang Online *.MSH Load
Third Wire Productions *.LOD Load
Third Wire Productions *.SHD Load
Tycoon City: New York *.DM Load
Unigraphics Facet *.FAC Load
VDrift *.JOE Load
VRML Scene V2.0 ASCII *.WRL Save
Warzone 2100 *.PIE Load / Save
X-Plane 7.x *.OBJ Load
Phase: IV. = Texture support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: March 7, 2007
Released at: http://web.t-online.hu/karpo
File size: 1.892.380 bytes
Updates: 4.001-4025
Supported file formats: 468
New features:
Enhanced options
Enhanced material support
Vertex Shaded View
Show Vertex Normal
Show Face Normal
Show Face Gravity Point
Show Object Gravity Points
Show Object Axes
Help/Check for updates... (Internet WEB update)
Internet WEB Updater v1.0
Tools/Geometry transformation
Tools/Calculate Areas and Volumes
Tools/Invert Face Orientation (CTRL-I)
Tools/Send OpenGL Bitmap To Clipboard (CTRL-C)
Display the scene Area and Volume values on the toolbar (option)
New modules:
3D Atelier *.3DA Load
3D Points *.TXT Load
Blitz3D *.B3D Save
BrainVoyager *.SRF Load
Flux Game Engine *.PSO Load
FreeSurfer "New" Quadrangle Surface Bin.* Load
FreeSurfer Quadrangle Surface Binary * Load
FreeSurfer Triangle Surface ASCII *.ASC Load
FreeSurfer Triangle Surface Binary * Load
FreeSurfer Triangle Surface Patch ASCII *.ASC Load
Hexagon *.HXN Load
JavaView *.JVX Load
Luxology Modo *.LXO Load
Marzipan *.VTP Load
MetropoLight *.MLT/MSL Load
Motocross Madness 2 *.SLT Load
Next Limit Scene Data *.SD Load
OneTwo3DO *.3DP Load
OneTwo3DO *.ASE Load
OneTwo3DO *.TXT Load
Raster3D /triangles only/ *.R3D Load / Save
Reaction Engine /single,non an.obj.only/*.G3D Load
RealFlow Binary Mesh *.BIN Load / Save
Rhinoceros /meshes only/ *.3DM Load
Star Wars: Battlefront *.MSH Load
Star Wars: Battlefront *.TER Load
Star Wars: Galaxies *.MSH Load
SurRender 3D *.HX Load
Total Air War *.SH Load
Phase: IV. = Texture support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: August 6, 2006
Released at: http://web.t-online.hu/karpo
File size: 1.586.958 bytes
Supported file formats: 440
New features:
Options (CTRL-O)
Enhanced material support
New modules:
3D GameStudio (MDL3,4,5,7) *.MDL Load
cal3D ASCII Mesh *.XMF Load
Euler 3D Text *.ELT Load
Flatland Rover *.BLOCK Load
GLBasic ASCII *.DDA Load
Kerkythea ASCII *.XML Load
LDraw *.LDR Save
Maple Input *.MPL Save
Medit *.MESH/MEDIT Load
Moray ASCII *.UDO Load
Openplane *.LOD Load
Panda3D *.EGG Load
Panzer Elite *.RRF Load
Patrick Flynn's Poly Format *.POLY Load / Save
RISA-3D (plates only) *.R3D Load
Softimage XSI v3.x ASCII *.XSI Load
Star Wars: Empire at War *.ALO Load
Phase: IV. = Texture support
Status: Unfinished
Release date: November 12, 2005
Released at: http://web.t-online.hu/karpo
File size: 1.462.267 bytes
Supported file formats: 426
New features:
Textured view
Drag and Drop support (to load object)
Enhanced Batch Converter module
New modules:
3DO Builder *.3DT/3DE Load
AeroFly (trilist only) *.OBJ Load
Celestia ASCII (trilist only) *.CMOD Load
Celestia Binary (tlist,tstrip,tfan only)*.CMOD Load
Darwinia *.SHP Load / Save
Dead Days *.WTF Load
Gray ASCII *.XML Load
Gray Binary *.BIN Load
HOOPS 3D Metafile *.HMF Save
IGES (entity 110/102) *.IGS Save
InSpeck FAPS *.NET Load
Jane's® F-18 *.3DG Load
LDraw (triangles, quads only) *.LDR,*.DAT Load
Marcin Vorbrodt's CMF Format *.CMF Load
NeoEngine ASCII *.NSCE Save
POV-Ray ASCII (triangles only) *.POV,*.INC Load
Pepakura Designer *.PDO Load
Ragnarok *.RSM Load
Tecnomatix ROBFACE (Composite Curve) *.RF Save
Tecnomatix ROBFACE (Facet Block) *.RF Save
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: April 22, 2005
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.370.536 bytes
Supported file formats: 410
New modules:
Alice ASCII *.VFT Load/ Save
Alice Binary *.VFB Load / Save
Alice Binary (vertices.bin,indices.bin) *.BIN Load
Carrara (vertex objects only) *.CAR Load
Mad Virgin Object *.MVO Load
MarbleCLAY *.MCL Load
Matt3D Designer *.LL Save
Matt3D Designer *.Z80 Save
Protein Data Bank *.PDB;*.ENT Load
Silo *.SIA Load
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: February 1, 2005
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.352.436 bytes
Supported file formats: 400
New modules:
BMP (1 bit pixelformat only) *.BMP Load
BrainVISA ASCII *.TRI Load / Save
BrainVISA Binary *.MESH Load / Save
Delta Force Land Warrior *.3DI Load
Final Fantasy 7 *.P Load
Helion *.3DF Load / Save
Oleg's B3D format *.B3D Load
Oleg's RWB format *.RWB Load / Save
Surface Evolver (Simplex model only) *.DMP Load
Surface Evolver (Simplex model only) *.FE Load / Save
Warcraft III *.MDX Load
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: November 27, 2004
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.339.218 bytes
Supported file formats: 388
New feature:
Batch converter module.
New modules:
Alambik script (triangles only) *.TV Load
Art*lantis *.ATL Load
Maxon Cinema 4D XL V5.x *.C4D Load
Orbiter Space Flight Simulator *.MSH Load
PlantStudio *.PLA Load
TexMesh3D *.TRI Load / Save
Traktor *.TMX Load
X-Plane 7 *.OBJ Save
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: October 1, 2004
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.307.477 bytes
Supported file formats: 380
New modules:
3D Points *.TXT Save
ADG 3D Scene *.ADG Load
ASK *.ASK Load
Auran Jet *.IM,PM Load
E3D 3D Model Editor *.3DO Load / Save
Hugues Hoppe's M format *.M Load / Save
Light Map Maker ASCII Scene *.TXT,TSE Load
PlantStudio *.TDO Load / Save
RenderStar *.VOL Load / Save
Stefan Zerbst's ZFX format *.ZFX Load
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: September 3, 2004
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.295.149 bytes
Supported file formats: 370
New modules:
4x4 Evolution *.SMF Save
A3D *.A3D Load / Save
Dynamic Visualizer *.AMS Save
ECGSIM *.TRI Load / Save
Edgebreaker OVTable *.OV Load
Effect3D Studio *.SCX Load
EMSE Wireframe (minor rev=3) *.WFR Load / Save
Illusion Viewer /without transform./ *.X Load
Light Map Maker Mesh *.TRI Load / Save
ATI Normal Mapper *.NMF Save
SPOCK /triangles only/ *.SPO Load / Save
WinImages /tri,rect only/ *.W3D Load / Save
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: July 1, 2004
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.277.311 bytes
Supported file formats: 360
New modules:
Benchmark for Animated Ray Tracing *.AFF Load / Save
IRIS Inventor V2.1 Binary *.IV Load
NeoEngine ASCII *.NSCE Load
OGRE Binary *.MESH Load
Radiosity *.RADIO Load / Save
Redqueen Rendering Tool *.RRT Load
SDF *.SDF Load
SFS4 Soaring Simulator *.DDD Load
Ultimate Ride *.MX Load
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: May 27, 2004
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.262.095 bytes
Supported file formats: 350
New modules:
Amira ASCII *.SURF Load
Amira Binary *.SURF Load
Interactive Computer Graphics Triangle *.TRI Load / Save
LithTech ASCII *.LTA Load
Nebula2 *.N3D2 Load / Save
ATI Normal Mapper *.NMF Load
NUAGES (with slice/HPGL save option) *.CNT Load
Outrage Room Format (Descent 3) *.OOF Load
PLY2 *.PLY2 Load / Save
RadiosGL *.MDL Load / Save
RadiosGL *.RGL Load
Revolution3D Graphics Engine *.DXE Load / Save
sof3D *.SOF Load / Save
Textured Triangles *.TRI Load / Save
UnrealEd 3 *.T3D Save
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: May 1, 2004
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.250.302 bytes
Supported file formats: 336
New modules:
Basic4GL Model *.BGM Load / Save
Blitz3D *.B3D Load
cal3D Binary Mesh *.CMF Load
Cartography Shop 4.1 *.CSM Load
Draw3D *.3D Load / Save
FlightSim Model *.DAT Load / Save
GameExchange 2 ASCII *.GBF Load
Houdini ASCII *.GEO Save
Leveller Reference Shapes (Triangles) *.LSL Save
Live for Speed *.CMX Load
ppModeler Text *.3DT Load
UnrealEd 3 *.T3D Load
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: March 29, 2004
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.238.237 bytes
Supported file formats: 324
New modules:
Ansys Macro *.MAC Save
DeleD 3D Editor Prefab *.DPF Load / Save
Digistar II *.VLA Save
Golgotha *.GMOD Load
Greg Hood's ASCII Triangle *.TRIA Load / Save
Greg Hood's Binary Triangle *.TRIB Load / Save
IGES (entity 106) *.IGS Save
Jane's Combat Simulations WWII Fighters *.J3T Load
Michael Garland's SMF *.SMF Load / Save
MiniCAD Text Format *.TXT Load
Outrage Room Format *.ORF Load / Save
Scape *.STM Load
Softimage 3D ASCII *.HRC Load
Tecplot *.TEC Save
Unreal *.*_D.3D,*_A.3D Load
UnrealEd *.T3D Load / Save
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: January 17, 2004
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.219.462 bytes
Supported file formats: 310
New modules:
3D Vertex Model *.RVM Load
3D Vertex Model ASCII *.TXT Load
CrystalSpace *.XML Load
DeleD Map *.DMF Load / Save
Geoscape3D Heightmap (XxX Short) *.RAW Load
Metasequoia *.MQO Load / Save
XGL *.XGL Save
YafRay *.ISH Load / Save
V8 Challenge *.XO Load
Visualization Toolkit ASCII *.VTK Save
VRML Scene V1.0 ASCII *.WRL Load
Phase: III. = Vertex color support
Status: Finished
Release date: November 30, 2003
Released at: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo
File size: 1.268.622 bytes
Supported file formats: 300
New feature:
Vertex color support.
New modules:
3D Mars Mission *.3DO Load
Anim3D Save
Atlas Boundary *.BNA Load / Save
Cipher MDL2 *.MDL Load / Save
Cipher MDL4 *.MDL Load
Greenline Delimited *.DLF Load
Imagemaster shape *.ISH Save
J-Cad Alpha CSV Save
JViewer *.FAC Load / Save
Peak3D *.ASC Load
RAW Triangles, Fractint Color *.RAW Load / Save
RenderSoft VRML Editor *.RSD Load
Vertex 3D Model Assembler *.V3D Save
VRML Scene V1.0 ASCII *.WRL Load
Phase: II. = Material support
Status: Finished
Release date: June 9, 2003
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32210.zip
File size: 1.239.802 bytes
Supported file formats: 288
New feature:
Automatic polygon checking and repairing function during (scene) loading.
New modules:
3D Dudes *.IMG Load / Save
Drawing for Children Symbol *.TXT Load
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter *.MDL Load
SUPPA 3D Engine *.GEM Load / Save
Phase: II. = Material support
Status: Finished
Release date: February 28, 2003
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32200.zip
Available at: Magyar PC Magazin 2003/04 CD 13. \sac\graph\3dc32200.zip
File size: 1.229.451 bytes
Supported file formats: 284
New feature:
Gouraud shaded rendering mode.
New modules:
GAMUT (without transformation) *.AGT Load
Homeworld *.PEO Load
Insane Vehicle *.FFF Load
Monster Trucks Madness 1&2 *.BIN Load
OpenFx *.MFX Load
Sced (without transformation) *.BASE/SCN Load
Sin *.PAK Load
Sin *.SAM/SBM Load
Sin *.SIN Load
Phase: II. = Material support
Status: Finished
Release date: December 2, 2002
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32146.zip
Available at: Magyar PC Magazin 2003/01 CD VII. \sac\graph\3dc32146.zip
File size: 1.363.324 bytes
Supported file formats: 275
New modules:
Direct X ASCII Frame *.X Load / Save
DOGA-L2 *.SUT/ATR Load / Save
Phase: II. = Material support
Status: 9 of 273 modules is not finished yet (Material support).
Release date: November 3, 2002
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32144.zip
File size: 1.358.201 bytes
Supported file formats: 273
New modules:
Grand Theft Auto 3 *.DFF Load
Midtown Madness 2 *.PKG Load
Midtown Madness ARTS *.GEO Load
Now3D Object *.NOB Load
Now3D Scene *.NSC Load / Save
Phase: II. = Material support
Status: 11 of 268 modules is not finished yet (Material support).
Release date: September 3, 2002
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32142.zip
File size: 1.283.996 bytes
Supported file formats: 268
New modules:
3D Studio Max Script *.MS Save
4x4 Evolution *.SMF Load
Drafix CAD Port (Polygons only) *.POR Load / Save
Racer *.DOF Load
Phase: II. = Material support
Status: 11 of 264 modules is not finished yet (Material support).
Release date: August 09, 2002
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32140.zip
File size: 1.279.309 bytes
Supported file formats: 264
New features:
OpenGL view.
Flat shaded rendering mode.
New modules:
Ark *.3D/MAT Save
Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis *.C3D Load
Phase: II. = Material support
Status: 11 of 262 modules is not finished yet (Material support).
Release date: June 23, 2002
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32120.zip
Available at: CHIP Magazine [Hungary] 2002/08 CD CXXVI. \sac\graph\3dc32120.zip
File size: 1.266.412 bytes
Supported file formats: 262
New modules:
ARC/INFO Shape (Polygons only) *.SHP Load
Ark *.3D/MAT Load
CLI Binary (with slice/HPGL save opt.) *.CLI Load
I.T.R (p1,y1,x1,p2,y2,x2) *.DAT Save
Kray *.SC Load / Save
Twente Object *.TOF Load
Phase: II. = Material support
Status: 16 of 255 modules is not finished yet (Material support).
Release date: November 12, 2001
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32116.zip
Available at: CHIP Magazine [Hungary] 2002/01 CD CXII. \sac\graph\3dc32116.zip
File size: 1.251.388 bytes
Supported file formats: 255
New feature:
Material editor.
New modules:
SPX *.SPX Load
VirtuaLight *.VIB Save
Worldcraft *.MAP Load
Phase: II. = Material support
Status: 17 of 252 modules is not finished yet (Material support).
Release date: August 20, 2001
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32114.zip
Available at: CHIP Magazine [Hungary] 2001/11 CD CVIII. \sac\graph\3dc32114.zip
File size: 1.236.922 bytes
Supported file formats: 252
New features:
Material support.
Material information.
New modules:
Cinema 4D XL ASCII *.C4D Save
Jane's (R) Combat Simulations USAF *.P3D Load
MicroStation Command File Save
Stratasys Genesys Xs (slice/HPGL s. o.) *.SSL Load
"SUPER MEIZE-X32" 4K Intro *.32D Load
YAODL (SGI PowerFlip) *.TXT Save
Phase: II. = Color support
Status: 31 of 246 modules is not finished yet (Color support).
Release date: June 6, 2001
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32110.zip
Available at: CHIP Magazine [Hungary] 2001/08 CD CII. \sac\graph\3dc32110.zip
Computer Panorama [Hun.] 2001/07 CD1 \olvasoi\3dc3210\3dc32110.zip
File size: 1.166.592 bytes
Supported file formats: 246
New modules:
"II" Demo (TLS) *.BIN Load
BMF *.BMF Load
Electric Image *.FACT Load
Kingpin *.MDX Load
Fly3D *.F3D Load
GLF Font *.GLF Load
GNU Triangulated Surface Library *.GTS Load
LONI *.TM Load / Save
Morfit World ASCII *.WLD Load / Save
Ogopogo *.3DC;*.3DD Load
QuickSlice *.SLC Load
Rotater *.TXT Save
Super3D *.TXT Save
Tachyon *.DAT Load / Save
Vertex-Edge-Face *.VEF Load
Vision3D *.TXT Save
Voxblast ASCII /Polygons only/ *.POLY Load
YASRT Raytrace *.YST Load / Save
Phase: II. = Color support
Status: 41 of 228 modules is not finished yet (Color support).
Release date: April 10, 2001
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32106.zip
Available at: CHIP Magazine [Hungary] 2001/06 CD XCVIII. \sac\graph\3dc32106.zip
File size: 1.145.703 bytes
Supported file formats: 228
New feature:
Scene information.
New modules:
3D Triangle Irregular Network *.3D Load / Save
Anim8or *.AN8 Load
AOFF *.GEO Load / Save
CorelDREAM 3D /Polygons only/ *.D3D Load
"I Want To Be Machine" DEMO *.OBJ Load / Save
Panorama *.RT Save
Ray Dream Designer /Polygons only/ *.R3D Load
Scene *.DAT Load
Softimage XSI v1.x ASCII *.XSI Load
Phase: II. = Color support
Status: 62 of 220 modules is not finished yet.
Release date: February 12, 2001
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32104.zip
Available at: CHIP Magazine [Hungary] 2001/04 CD XCIV. \sac\graph\3dc32104.zip
File size: 1.134.624 bytes
Supported file formats: 220
New features:
Multiplatform ASCII file loader technology.
Color wireframe mode.
New modules:
3dedit *.3D Load / Save
Autodesk Animator *.PLY Load
"B and dbl W" Demo *.GEO Load / Save
DesignWorkshop *.DW Load / Save
Direct X ASCII *.X Load
Easymodel Object 1.x *.OBD Load / Save
Easymodel Object 2.x *.OBQ Load / Save
"Insane" Demo *.R3D Load / Save
Magic Camera *.MCO Save
Megahedron SMPL *.SMPL Load
Neon Grafix 3D *.GEO Load
"Oldskool Trippin" Demo *.DBV Load / Save
Qhull Mathematica *.M Load / Save
Qhull OFF *.TXT Load / Save
RenderDotC *.RDC Load
Showcase Ray-Tracer *.SHW Load / Save
Superficie *.SUP Save
Tecnomatix ROBFACE *.RF Load
"The Friday Night" Demo *.K3D Load
Vertex *.VTX Load
Phase: I. = Geometry import / export
Status: Finished
Release date: October 31, 2000
Released at: ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/graph/3dc32100.zip
Available at: CHIP Magazine [Hungary] 2000/12 CD LXXXVI. \sac\graph\3dc32100.zip
File size: 1.101.734 bytes
Supported file formats: 200